Data for a sustainable global economy
With over 20 years of experience with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data, FTSE Russell provides investors with the models and data tools necessary to understand a company’s operational and product related ESG risks and opportunities.
As more and more investors are incorporating ESG considerations into their decision making, there is a need for data that is quantitative and transparent and minimises the subjectivity inherent in a number of ESG issues.
FTSE Russell maintains two core data models: the ESG Scores and data model assesses operational ESG risks and performance, while the Green Revenues data model classifies and measures revenue exposure to products that deliver environmental solutions. By splitting our data model into these two dimensions users can determine more specifically whether to target ESG issues related to (operational) risk or (product) opportunities.
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Key features
Why use our sustainability and ESG data?
— 8,000 securities (including FTSE All World Index and Russell 1000)
— Measures a company’s exposure to, and management of, ESG issues in multiple dimensions
Four levels of data:
— Level 1 –?ESG overall score
— Level 2 – E, S or G pillar
— Level 3 – 14 themes
— Level 4 – 300+ indicators
— 18,000+ companies (including FTSE Global All Cap Index and Russell 3000)
— Measures the percentage of a company’s total revenue that comes from “Green” products
— Companies categorised using a unique industrial taxonomy for green good, products and services that covers 10 sectors and 133 micro sectors
— Several unique models to assess country-level exposure to climate risks and opportunities
— Metrics on carbon footprint, energy transition and physical climate risks
—?175 countries covered
—?Accessed directly via sftp, Datastream or the Yield Book Add-In and API
Related data solutions for sustainable investing
Discover our ESG and climate data that is trusted to build the comprehensive range of sustainable investment indices.
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