Garner deep insight into markets and the individual companies that drive them
Our company database started with decades of Moody’s historical paper records, providing the basis for both our digital dataset and the foundation of our strong academic relationships. We have continued to nurture, connect and enhance our data and technology platforms to become a premier source of data for professional research and risk assessment needs.
Professional data search is dependent on specific business interests, but discerning risk and defining opportunities are universal needs. Mergent by FTSE Russell has the deepest respect for data and how it is used by its clients. As the steward of nearly a century of business data, we are focused on delivering quality data sets to the market. Our business data coverage enables professional clients with access to the insights that are most relevant to their business.
Why use Mergent data tools?
Easily view, manipulate and export the information essential to fundamental risk assessment.
More than 280 million records, including end of day pricing and financial highlights and reporting.
Explore company history, products, operations, remuneration and competitors.
Explore the data tools Mergent has to offer
Mergent Online
Mergent Online offers extensive details for both public and private companies that can show you what a given organisation truly looks like from every angle. Mergent Online is an invaluable resource for conducting, supporting, and validating financial and business research.
Data sets are connected on a per-company basis for a comprehensive view of business information. Data is obtained and digitised daily from multiple sources by our experienced collection team.
Company data
Deep company profiles layer operational, organisational and corporate data.
Reports and filings data
Annual reports and government filings document point in time regulatory data, corporate messaging and rich visual detail. Research reports provided.
Archive data
Archive data maintains information of companies that were acquired, went bankrupt or are otherwise no longer captured in current records.
Research reports
News and research provide access to economic, country, industry and security level research and analysis.
Capital structure
Insight into company use of debt and equity financing and link to underlying bond terms.
Related links
Login to Mergent Online
Mergent Online brochure
Investext product overview
Mergent Archives
Underlying Mergent digital business data is an expansive collection of archival documentation containing hundreds of thousands of corporate and industry documents and reports, indexed to provide direct, unfiltered access to published business records.
Mergent company reports
- Historical Annual Reports (1844)
- Mergent/Moody's? Corporate Manuals (1918)
- Historical Industry Report Collection (2003)
- Patent Archives
Mergent bond reports
- Mergent/Moody's Muni & Government Manuals (1918)
- Bond Record (2004)
Mergent partner reports with Dun & Bradstreet?
- Million Dollar Directory (MDDI) (1959)
- Key Business Ratios Print Archive (1979)
- The Hoover's? Historical Collection of Handbooks (1995)
- Country Insight Reports (2003)
- First Research? Archives (2003)
Related links
Mergent Intellect
Comprehensive business data serving community and academic research needs. Fundamental business data - the who, what, why, when and how of individual companies - provides critical entry points for academic and small business researchers. Mergent Intellect meets researchers where they begin their journeys, layering best-in-class business data with financials, capital structure data and news to create paths to deeper insights.
Related links
Login to Mergent Intellect
Mergent Intellect brochure
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